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Convert your PDF to Images

PDF is one of the most widely used format for distribution of electronic documents. My article on ASP Alliance Creating PDFs with C# using Ghostscript gives a brief idea on conversion of different document formats into PDF. Ghostscript supports output to a variety of image file formats from pdf and ps files. These formats are called "output devices" in Ghostscript terminology. The ghostscript executible gswin32c.exe can be used to achieve this. The command used for this is as follows: gswin32c -dSAFER -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=jpeg -o out_%d.jpg inputFile.pdf -sDEVICE is used to specify the output device or the driver -dSAFER -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE options suppress interactive prompts and enable some security checks on the file to be run. -o is used to specify the output file name. %d option helps to automatically assign file names as per the page number. So, if a file has 10 pages, 10 files will be created. The supported devices are as follows: PNG png16m : 24-bit RGB color png

Working with DBISAM Using Microsoft .NET

DBISAM is a word that may seem new for many of us and many would be astonished to know that it is a database. Like any other database, it has the ability to maintain huge amounts of data. This article aims at providing an overview of DBISAM and the ways we can interact with the database through .NET. Let us first discuss about some of the aspects of DBISAM. Read the complete article Here .

Smart Coding with Visual Studio

Coding is one of the daily tasks that we developers do. Its like brushing our teeth or taking a shower. But how many of us do it smartly. If we want to spend some of our coding time in other activities like blogging or learning new technologies, then we have to be smart while coding. So the million dollar question is, What do we do to code smartly? Actually, some of us do it, but we hardly recognize them. We do keep track of some typical day to day coding practices and snippets, so that we can pull them out when needed. Or we blog about them, so that if we come across the same problem again, then just pull out the code and implement it again. And in the process we also help others to know about some of our problems and solutions. Another way that Visual Studio provides is through Code Snippets. The Studio provides some really smart coding practices by default to ease our coding woes. We can also write our custom snippets, so that we can use them when necessary. But, we hardly do that.